The Himachal Pradesh High Court called for the registration of a contempt of court case against Vice-Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh National Law University (HPNLU), Shimla Prof Nishtha Jaiswal.
CLAT Counselling 2024: The Consortium of NLUs has released the CLAT 2024 counselling dates. Candidates can check out the counselling schedule on the official website:
Srinagar: The School of Law, University of Kashmir organized an interactive session for the students of different semesters of LL.B and BA.LLB Programmes on November 7th, 2023.
It was presided over by Prof. Nishtha Jaswal, Vice Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla. Prof. Jaswal emphasized on the need to shape law students as socially conscious and empathetic lawyers.
The learned scholar