And a good time was had by all.
A moment: a cloudless Saturday afternoon, Balboa Park, just in front of Cabrillo Bridge, maybe 200 people couples, families, friends lounging on the grass in the spreading shade of the Moreton Bay fig trees, enjoying the fine, free stylings of a six-piece band a couple of saxes, a drum, a trumpet, a sousaphone, and a trombonist who sometimes takes a break to sing through a megaphone. Just now, he is pleasing the crowd with a straight-faced cover of Britney Spears’ breakthrough 1998 hit, “…Baby One More Time,” getting everyone to shout along with the chorus’ big finish:
“I’ll call when I am done,” says Annie. She wants to get her supplies solo. “Men just complicate things,” she says. Not a problem. Much better than fighting like two yo-yos on the ends of one string.
And even though they have extra volunteers telling us all to stay apart so we don’t cluster up when we’re supposed to be social distancing, it is such a kick, wandering about, strangers together, not touching the fruit, but sampling the goat cheese, drinking the Ethiopian coffee so-oo delish! and knowing that it comes from where these Ethiopian guys’ ancestors invented the whole idea of coffee (from an iffy-looking shrub that shepherds noticed made their goats frisky when they nibbled its red berries).
Shop Local | Goldie Pops Gourmet Popcorn
The journey of locally made Goldie Pops began with a man named Lowell more than 25 years ago when he started making popcorn for family and close friends. Author: Jenny Milkowski (Reporter) Updated: 9:04 AM PST January 25, 2021
SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. So here s the deal, the other weekend I was visiting the Hillcrest Farmer s Market when I stumbled upon a popcorn stand. Now, I m a fan of popcorn, however I wasn t enticed to pull out my credit card to buy some until wait for it I saw DILL PICKLE flavored popcorn! Yes, dreams do come true.