Another Solar Company Plans Hill County Project The Hill County Commissioners Court met in a regular session Tuesday, April 13, and heard from another solar company planning a new development in Hill County. The court heard a presentation from Dominic Salinas, energy attorney and solar developer with Core Solar of Austin, regarding a planned solar project near Carl s Corner south of Farm Road 934 in the Itasca school district. The company is expected to submit an application for a tax abatement agreement to the county, and Salinas told the court that he was attending the meeting to introduce himself before submitting the paperwork.
Commissioners Hear Update On Agreement With Chamber The Hill County Commissioners Court met in a special session Tuesday, April 6, to hear an update from the county s economic development coordinator and consider several special agenda items. Last August, commissioners approved an agreement with the Hillsboro Area Chamber of Commerce to create a county-wide effort to promote tourism and economic development. Chamber Director Wendy Ellis led the effort, with the chamber paying her salary and the county covering her benefits as economic development coordinator. Ellis told the court that she has accepted a new job and will no longer fill the position, with Tuesday, April 6, being her last day at the chamber. She expressed her thanks to County Judge Justin Lewis and commissioners.
Commissioners Hear Presentation On Centralizing Local Tax Collections The Hill County Commissioners Court met in a regular session Tuesday, March 9, and heard a presentation from Hill County Appraisal District (HCAD) Chief Appraiser Mike McKibben on a possible agreement regarding county tax collections. McKibben told the court that centralizing tax collections through the Hill County Appraisal District could save the county money, would be convenient to the public and could be accomplished without much extra work for his office, which already collects over $30 million in tax levies for local entities. Centralized collection makes paying taxes so much easier, and it s a huge benefit to the public, McKibben said. They only have to go one place to pay taxes.
Court Hears Recovery Updates, Resignation Letter From JP #1 The Hill County Commissioners Court heard an update on winter storm recovery efforts and learned that Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Martis Ward plans to resign from his position in a regular meeting held Tuesday, February 23. County Judge Justin Lewis read a letter to the court from Ward, who was first elected as justice of the peace in 1990. He said that he was making the decision after careful consideration and with a heavy heart. Ward wrote that his resignation will be effective when a new justice of the peace is hired and the office is relocated. It has been both an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Hill County, Ward wrote. He added that he will continue to offer his services as needed.
ESD 2 Board Elects Officers, Approves AEDs For Deputies The Hill County Emergency Services District (ESD) 2 Board of Commissioners met in a regular session Tuesday, February 23, after the board’s previously scheduled meeting was postponed due to the recent winter weather. The board voted to elect officers for 2021 after the Hill County Commissioners Court recently reappointed Tad Duncan and Bob Stahl to the board for two-year terms. Officers will remain unchanged, with Duncan serving as president, Jimmy Lehmann as vice president, Stahl as treasurer, Dan Giles as secretary and Kevin Bragg as assistant secretary. Board members approved a plan to place automated external defibrillators, or AEDs, in Hill County Sheriff’s Office patrol units. ESD 2 will purchase 20 units at a cost of $29,704.60 for the sheriff’s office, with the board retaining ownership and the sheriff’s office responsible for maintenance and repairs.