Authorities in the Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka on Thursday suspended 6 students for wearing hijab in spite of a series of warnings. In another instance, 12 students were sent back for wearing hijab while attending classes. Six students of the Uppinangadi Government Pre University College have been suspended for repeatedly violating hijab guidelines. The principal of
Karnataka Hijab Row: After controversy erupts in Mangaluru, CM Bommai urges students to ‘focus on education’ - The hijab row has made its way back to Karnataka, as students in Mangaluru tried to enter the school wearing a headscarf defying the dress code.
Hijab row: Veiled students denied entry at Mangalore University; Karnataka CM says focus on education - Hijab row in Karnataka: CM Basavaraj Bommai also emphasized that people need to abide by the High Court and the government s orders.