Highland County commissioners Terry Britton, David Daniels and Brad Roades voted to move forward with a new plan to tackle the opioid crisis locally, approving a proposal for a new recovery coordinator position during their Wednesday, Nov. 15 meeting.
Re-entry project highlighted by drug coalition
By Jacob Clary - jclary@aimmediamidwest.com
Welcome Home For Life Network (WH4LN) President Jeff Daniels detailed the network’s 72-Hour Pack program Wednesday during this month’s Highland County Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition meeting. Daniels said it is an inside and outside prison program that mentors people on the inside and continues a mentoring and support program through the organization’s network on the outside.
Daniels said the primary partners for the program are the Shawnee Valley District Reentry Offices (SVD) and community organizations. He said the program calls the person returning to the community a “Traveler” and those guiding them through the process “Guides.” He said the relationship between the two starts while the Traveler is still inside, but that it doesn’t end when they get outside.
Med Collect boxes coming to county
By Jacob Clary - jclary@aimmediamidwest.com
Med Collect boxes which will be used for people to dispose of medication are set to be shipped by the end of the week, Bill Showman, manager of prevention and evaluation services at the Paint Valley Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health (ADAMH) Board, said at this week’s virtual Highland County Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition meeting.
He said Med Collect received the payment earlier this week and the boxes are being shipped to Kratzer’s Hometown Pharmacy in Lynchburg, Corner Pharmacy in Greenfield, Downtown Drug in Hillsboro and the Highland County Sheriff’s Office in Hillsboro.
Two new programs for drug abusers
By Jacob Clary - jclary@aimmediamidwest.com
The Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center (SPVMHC) outlined two new programs Wednesday it will offer to substance use disorder (SUD) patients Wednesday in the latest Highland County Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition (HCDAPC) virtual meeting.
The new programs Jail In-Reach and Wraparound were specifically made to help adults with a current or history of opioid use and/or stimulant use. They may also have co-occurring mental health disorders. The programs are due to Ohio’s State Opioid Response 2.0 program through a grant partnership with the Paint Valley Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health (ADAMH) Board.