Jailer Tamil Nadu Box Office latest report, Rajinikanth s film set to beat PS-1 in home state to become highest-grossing film in Tamil Nadu. Check detailed report after 15 days.
Top Grossers at Box Office: This was truly the year of the South Indian film industries as they gave five out of ten blockbusters Kannada (two), Tamil (two) and Telugu(one). Bollywood, or the Hindi film industry, also had some hits in a year marred by flops and other underwhelming ventures. From Rishab Shetty-led Kantara to SS Rajmouli s RRR and Anupam Kher and Mithun Chakraborty-starrer The Kashmir Files and Kartik Aaryan s Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, check out the highest-grossing films of 2022 in this BT Visual Story
Veteran Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty s latest pictures, which surfaced on the Internet, showed him battling ill health. The actor was recently rushed to a Bengaluru hospital following complaints of severe stomach ache, fever and similar symptoms.
Actor Adivi Sesh is coming up next with an interesting update on his upcoming biographical movie Major based on Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan who was killed in action during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks.
The theatrical trailer of Sharwanand-starrer Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu was unveiled on Sunday, hinting at the promising storyline along with much entertainment.