Versatile actor Sharwanand is back to his biggest forte of family entertainer with Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu co-starring Rashmika Mandanna. Tirumala Kishore has directed the movie, while Sudhakar Cherukuri has produced it on SLV Cinemas banner. AMJ hit the screens on 4th of this month to good response from the critics and audience alike. While the movie opened to good
Hero Sharwanand’s wholesome family entertainer Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu features Rashmika Mandanna in the female lead role. Produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under the banner of Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas, the film is directed by Tirumala Kishore. On March 4th, Aadavallu Meeku Joaharlu will be hitting the theatres. On this occasion, actress Rashmika Mandanna shared her
The theatrical trailer of Sharwanand-starrer Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu was unveiled on Sunday, hinting at the promising storyline along with much entertainment.