a real heyday slaughtering shiite women and children had a ofound effect it took a while, but i profound effect on sunni arab attitudes in the middleast and, needless to say, the attacks in the sunni arab world.st and i think also in pakistan, inevitably bounced back against al qaeda and their ability to present themselves as sort of modern day paladins of a just islamic cause. you ve been arguing for a while that this is actually a sea change that has been relatively unnoticed in the muslim worldright? yes. absolutely. in ft, al qaeda has not just suffered, fareed, a catastrophic military defeat. i would argue a more critical development is the fact that al qaeda has lost the struggle for muslim hearts and minds. yet fareed, here we are today.
a real heyday slaughtering shiite women and children had a profound effect it took a while, but profound effect on sunni arab attitudes in the middleast and, needless to say, the attacks in the sunni arab world. and i thinklso in pakistan, inevitably bounced back against al qaeda and theirt ability to prent themselves as sort of modern day paladans of a just islamic cause. you ve been arguing for a while that this is actually a sea change that has been relatively unnoticed in the muslim world, right? yes. absolutely. in fact, al qaeda has not just suffered, faree a catastrophic military defeat. i would argue a more criticalat development is the fact that al qaeda has lost the struggle for muslim hearts and minds. yet fareed, here we are today.