Thirty lead tablets that called upon "the gods of the underworld" to curse the dead are found at the bottom of a 2,500 year-old well in Athens. Discovered in the area of Kerameikos, [.]
can. it destroys something it destroys the fabric that holds us together as a people. i m actually surprised it would drive down the black vote, i would think it would drive up the black vote, that people would be so angry and want to get out there and say we can t deal with four more years of this. i think the challenge we have is donald trump is bringing to the surface things that have been packed away but not necessarily gone. the reality, talking about russia hacking hexes, whether or not we could win if they turn out. that s what you re dealing with, people who never felt like they were represented by this country s government and feeling systemically oppressed. i don t think we should be apathetic and stay home but i think it s a challenge prosecute of do you think it will? i think it could. for example, the party which i vote for has not spoken to these issues in ways that are satisfying to me. it s like oh, you know, he hasn t dup enough to talk about
thaerks wi er, that will include technology, fencing, roads similar to what we had in arizona. but then you need the personnel. a fence and technology don t make a hexes and seizures. they detect but ultimately it s going to be the agents to get out there and respond. let s talk about that appropriations bill. look at this hole in this wall. the u.s. government doesn t move quickly at all. things are appropriated financially and then they re built years later. this wall went in in 2008 but this giant hole is supposed to be a gate that people are going to be able to cross in and out of. it was supposed to be built ten years ago but because of both funding and property laws in texaswith the appropriations bill going in now, you ll have giant gaps in
you. so what is a witch? that s what they are saying. like instead of analyzing water, they are enjoying or drinking the water, it s about spirituality. it s almost like going away from christianity and embracing nature, perhaps being vegan as opposed to eating meat. mark: so you are saying that being a witch, it s not like in harry potter? no. that s movies.. no shakespeare here. no black magic?xi no, no hexes. these are good witches. but that it s actually real. that s like pat boone saying, i m black and moving beyond the whole skin color thing. what s the point of any of it?
a continuing spell. jesse: is there a cauldron involved? yes, that s where the fire will be. yeah. jesse: have the hexes worked in the past? yes. we hexed trumps last summer. there was one in june, one in july and one in august. since then a lot has come out. the hex. so a lot of people take it as hexing is to make that person die and do something horrible to them. it depend on what you are trying to do. the wording and the intention. for us it s about exposing these people. we believe they are fundamentally dishonest and unethical. so we want that to be exposed. jesse: perhaps the trump hex didn t work because the