didn t quite happen as predicted. no one in chicago will be complaining if the cubbies win their first title in 108 years. i just figured out why the cubs lose each year. reporter: not this year. fans think they may have finally shaken a century of bad luck, hexes and curses. legend has it the owner of a chay town tavern put a curse on them when he and his pet goat were kicked out of wrigley field. some people think that was a baaad move. the cubs went on to lose 4-3. then came steve bartlett. cubs five outs away when bartman and kept them from potentially catching a ball. the cubs ended up surrendering eight runs and lost 8-3. that painful memory was put to rest forever when the ball was blown up on live television.
cubs win world series against miami? yeah, it s something. who would have thought? 100-1 shot. reporter: that was a scene from 1989 s back to the future 2, where marty mcfly travels to 2015 to find the chicago cubs had won the world series. prophetic? maybe. sure, the cubs haven t won since 1908, and they haven t even made it to the fall classic since 1945 great scott! reporter: some think they re their are perfectly justifiable reasons why it s been so long since the cubbies have made it to the big show. we need some supernatural forces that pushing down our franchise, our beloved cubbies. reporter: curses, jinxes, hexes, some of the reasons chicago fans give for the 107-year world series drought like the so-called curse of the billy get to. legend has it the owner of a chitown tavern put the hex on the cubs when he and his pet get
buys them from walmart and pays about $8 and the wife is not keen about that and he has heat over it, and she threw them out, and he went out to buy more and this goes to the superstition? yes. no question. people think of superstition when it comes to the players, but the coaches and the managers are just as superstitious, and you have nick saban the coach of alabama with his daughter giving him a penny before, just because, and the old yankee pitcher would have to jump over the line and not talk to it, and the old coach john thomson, not the young one, but the old one, with the towel over the shoulder, and not just for the perspirati perspiration, but the hexes need to be take n away. and if jim harbaugh s wife takes the khakis away, he will probably close himself in the
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rattles to shake hexes at the opposing team and shake good luck at their own team. those were some good times with the pittsburgh pirates green weanie. in the name of full disclosure, i should say there is another definition, one we can t say on television. explained here by urban dictionary. we have, however, redacted that for the sake of mostly my mom and our executive producer, bill wolff who is easily embarrassed. those were the ones we could find to find out what alan simpson was talking about when he cited the green weenie. none of those made sense in the context of what he was talking about when he said it, which was the idea of two, small budget cuts. then we realized this is not the first time he talked about green weenies. we can add more to what he meant. from my army days in the infantry, when someone would make a statement as bizarre as