it s so extraordinary. you can t predict what kind of president anybody will be until they are in that office. that s a wise assessment actually. thank you, nicolle wallace, i think all of better of you, i mean, madam. thank you, jennifer. jennifer, you re strong tonight, very strong. you don t like romney tonight. up next, we ve got the final word on herman cane s 999 plan. next in the sideshow. i don t get this anyway. i think it s better than 666 from what i ve heard. you re watching hardball, only on msnbc. [ cellphone rings ] cut!
all three of us may be talking about the entirely wrong cast of characters so i m not ready to count anybody out. i need to i need to check in with to i need to check in with you, haven t talk with you for a while, nicolle, do you think herman contain would be a great president? he would be a great nominee for our party. how can you ever know? no one can predict. the job is extraordinary. that s why i write a novel about the presidency. it s so extraordinary. you can t predict what kind of president anybody will be until they are in that office. that s a wise assessment actually. thank you, nicolle wallace, i think all of better of you, i mean, madam. thank you, jennifer. jennifer, you re strong tonight, very strong. you don t like romney tonight. up next, we ve got the final word on herman cane s 999 plan. next in the sideshow. i don t get this anyway. i think it s better than 666 from what i ve heard. you re watching hardball, only on msnbc.
let s hear her brand of humor. these michele bachmann desperate. when you take the 999 plan and you turn it upside down, i think the devil s in the details. yeah. what would you say if you are debating a person like that if w.h.o. shifted the topic to the strange far right christian notions about the devil and the sign of the beast? she can t resist that catnip. i guess if i were debating her, not just debating her, and i was losing in the polls, i would do exactly what newt gingrich id. i d start to say outlandish things and change the subject. barney is as outrageous at newt thinks he is. your thoughts? i think there s a slight chance, maybe more than slight, that michele bachmann really believes this. the sign of the beast. that herman cane is the anti-christ. she s said so many outlandish things over the year and she has
the race for the republican nominee for president. we are pleased to have a 2012 hopeful, captain of the industry and man of the moment, mr. herman cane. so how did we get on you shoat? you had a very very aggressive producer. she body slammed me to the floor, threatened my life and said you will be on this show or you won t be a candidate very long. now, it is true. i am a man that normally doesn t respond to threats, but this time i figured i would give in. she could be pretty aggressive. she was pretty convincing. she earned her raise. we are not giving her a raise. this new cbs poll has you tied with mitt romney at 70%. two weeks ago we were at 5%. so is the cane train gone insane? what is happening here? that s a good way to put it. the cane train is going insane. once people get on the cane train, they don t get off. i love george will s staiments. when herman cane won the
style? he was very animated and a good public speak scpert goofy expression speaker and the goofy expressions. we didn t see the tape, but afterwards he edited the tape. they are that much alike. coming up, do pick up lines in bars work? diane macedo discusses her new book not with me, bozo. and herman cane is talking about his campaign. i will ask him questions pertain together topic, and i hope he likes me. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp. medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn t cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you re already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp. medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company,