unless you suspect that people are unemployed because they are black, it is not helpful at all to bring up race when you discuss unemployment. ironically, you do see yourself as black. often. sometimes it is awkward when i come to the make up room and i m like, i don t think that looks right. something that is really interesting, we both lived in england. there is something interesting, and it could be at play here which is a lot of em pooh vote a lot of people vote the labor and the conservative party, but my dad did, or that s what my mom did. it carries down as a tradition. that s the kind of things that you grow up in your household. but now i think because we have made so much progress in the last 50 years, people are able to make up their own mind and their own decisions. it is just so fun to watch the liberals twist themselves into notes to try and explain how the success of herman cane
time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. thanks, greg. kevin, who hates you this week? herman cane mostly. it was n it wasn t very flattering. it is still a joke. okay. lauren, how is l.a. treating you? very well, thanks for asking, andy. sure? yes. and we look forward to you visiting. you have become even more super official. superficial. i think you have outdone yourself you shallow piece of fit. i miss you so much. we all do. what are you doing? joe? yes, sir. i will be performing three
i said no. i want to say two points that i am not sure is true. i want to spout these things. but if i am not mistaken, herman cane was a mathematician in the navy working with missile ballistics which means he could be our first rocket scientist for president, right? actually george w. bush was the rocket scientist, but he hid it really well. you were amazing. we lowered expectations. he worked for pills burr re pillsbury. the dough boy. the dough boy. he controled the dough boy which is like a nuclear weapon. if you saw ghost busters. pizzas do taste like rocket fuel. godfathers, not good. i like godfather. i do too. actually i have never had it. from herman to veer
dana, didn t we learn people who you associate with doesn t matter. endorsements don t matter that much. what i think about trump is his endorsement is a nice to have, but not a must have. it is not going to make any difference. this said it could be worse though. yeah, i don t think that s probably true. somebody is being very careful. here is the thing, what you don t want is for donald trump is to say anything bad about you. then you get chit qhat for 24- chit chat for 24-48 hours on all of the shows. it is better to keep him as a friend and have him be nice to you. you don t have to ask for any money if you are a candidate. you don t have to ask to campaign with you. you just have to go and have the uh belying tore coffee or pizza. keep trump close, but keep trump s hairpiece closer. that s alleged. no, i think it is real. no, it is his real hair.
unless you suspect that people are unemployed because they are black, it is not helpful at all to bring up race when you discuss unemployment. ironically, you do see yourself as black. often. sometimes it is awkward when i come to the make up room and i m like, i don t think that looks right. something that is really interesting, we both lived in england. there is something interesting, and it could be at play here which is a lot of em pooh vote a lot of people vote the labor and the conservative party, but my dad did, or that s what my mom did. it carries down as a tradition. that s the kind of things that you grow up in your household. but now i think because we have made so much progress in the last 50 years, people are able to make up their own mind and their own decisions. it is just so fun to watch the liberals twist themselves into notes to try and explain how the success of herman cane