The present owner, Manoj Khedkar, has renamed it as "Radha Cottage" and the 13-bedroom prime holiday resort offers a peek into the glorious history of Sir Pherozeshah s private residential complex in the "forest atop the mountain head", as Matheran means.
NEW DELHI: The 14-member Heritage Conservation Committee (HCC) headed by a top housing and urban affairs ministry official will soon take up the proposal for construction of the new Parliament Building and the Central Vista redevelopment project. The panel has nine government officials and four academicians from School of Planning and Architecture and Delhi University.
“We are ready with the proposal and it will be sent to the committee soon. All norms are being followed strictly. The Supreme Court has said that the approval of the HCC has to be obtained before starting work on the ground. We have maintained since the beginning that no heritage structure will be demolished during the redevelopment of Central Vista,” said an official of the housing and urban affairs ministry.