New Delhi [India], November 30 (ANI/GPRC): Long before Malala, there were Savitri Phule and Fatima Shaikh, says India's favourite biographer Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta. On the 132nd death anniversary of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule, Harper Collins and Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta announced a new book about friends 'Savitri and Fatima,' who worked tirelessly for the education of women and lower castes in the 19th century. In a press release announcing the acquisition, Harper Collins said, "the book opens in 19th century Maharashtra and spans over four decades. We start in 1813, when the Charter Act allowed Christian missionaries into the country. We trace the end of the Peshwai and how the Marathas adapted to British rule. From here, we take the reader to the birth and upbringing of Savitri Phule and Fatima Shaikh, born just six days apart in January 1831. We delve into their childhood influences and the compunctions that shaped them. Savitri eventually got married to Jyotirao Phule, a