The Herb Chambers Honda dealership upgrading project on Morrissey Boulevard received approval from the Boston Planning and Development (BPDA) board at its monthly meeting last week. Featuring a contemporary style dealership space, the parcel would include 222 parking spaces inside and 171 surface spaces. Project representative Paul Losordo told the board that the one-story
State, city embark on a million-dollar study to improve Morrissey Boulevard corridor
Officials hope to use the findings to improve mobility and climate resiliency amid a flurry of building projects
By Jon Chesto Globe Staff,Updated March 4, 2021, 7:38 p.m.
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High-tide flooding, such as in September of last year, is a frequent problem on Morrissey Boulevard.Barry Chin/Globe Staff
State and city officials are looking for solutions to the traffic snarls and tidal floods that plague Morrissey Boulevard, as they embark on a $1 million-plus infrastructure study for this busy corridor along Dorchester Bay that has become a magnet for development.