[ man ] enjoy the trip! okay, daddy! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] a consumers digest best buy. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. it takes you farther. and brings you closer. we have some new information to bring you right now you will remember earlier, we played you that clip, this was from bp chairman carl henrik svanberg, yes said that bp cares about the small people affected by the oil spill. svanberg just released a same clarifying his comments anticipated writes, i spoke clumsily this afternoon. for that i am very sorry. what i m trying to say is that bp understands how deeply this affects the lives of the people that live on the gulf and depend on it for their livelihood. will best be conveyed not by any word bus by the work we do to put things right for the families and businesses that have been hurt. in addition to the $20
we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume. today in an interview with our sister network sky news in great britain, the bp chairman karl henrik svanberg acknowledged hayward s issues. it is true he has remarks that s inappropriate. in one year s time either you or tony or both will not be in the company. that s north something i would speculate on. shepard: forget the speculation. let s focus on something we know. we know at this hour oil is still hemorrhaging from the gulf floor. we know gallons that may be measured in the millions are flowing flowing from the blown out well every day. the coast guard is changing strategy to try to capture more oil closer to the shore. that word came today and the fox business network jeff flock went out on the water to get a first-hand look at the effort. you are looking at one of the skimming operations. this is typically a shrimp boat, right, mike?