Henderson County (Oct 28, 2023) - Work officially began on the first six miles of the Ecusta Trail on Saturday when local leaders gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony at the Veterans Healing Farm in Hendersonville.
Henderson County (Oct 26, 2023) - The Lightning editorial board was invited to take a turn behind the (more questions than) Answers Desk as this week’s guest prober of important public issues.
After 32 years of public health service, Henderson County Health Director Steve Smith recently announced his plans to retire in May 2024.Smith gave notice of h
Henderson County (Oct 19, 2023) - Henderson County Health Director Steve Smith has announced his plans to retire following 32 years of public health service, the department announced Thursday.
Henderson County (Oct 17, 2023) - The road to plurality elections for council elections in three Henderson County cities has been longer and more complicated than anyone would have predicted, thanks to the sausage grinder in Raleigh.