shelters over capacity as the government races to add thousands more beds. plus, how did an unaccompanied migrant teen die in a facility in florida? the new warning from the homeland security secretary to migrants with the administration facing new questions over its handling of the crisis and our reporter inside a shelter tonight. tornado outbreak. a massive tornado bearing down. another one ripping through a town as millions face more severe weather overnight. we re tracking it. the marine veteran who put a homeless man in a fatal chokehold free on bail after surrendering to face a manslaughter charge. new reaction from the homeless man s family. the idaho mother known as the doomsday cult mom found guilty of all charges in the deaths of her two youngest children and her husband s ex-wife and what lori vallow now faces. the man who now admits he crashed his own plane, jumping out and recording the whole thing all for a promotion. the new push for more support during
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the infant heimlich maneuver and got the baby to cough up the cheeto that she was choking on. while she s okay now, and deputy ficke says he s glad he was there at the right time. sweet story. all right, next, the new challenge facing hospitals coast to coast. bubut my symptptoms were k keg me from whwhere i neededed to . so i t talked to m my doctor and learned humirara is thehe #1 prescrcribed bioloc fofor people w with uc or crohn s s disease.. and humimira helps pepeople achieieve remisn thatat can last,t, so you canan experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to f fight infecections. serious anand sometimemes fafatal infectctions, inincluding tutuberculosisi, anand cancers,s, includining lymphomama, haveve happened,d, as have blblood, liverer, anand nervous s system prorob, seririous allergrgic reactioi, and nenew or worsesening heheart failurure. tell y your doctoror if y you ve beenen to areass
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my h heart failulure diagnoss chananged my pririorities. i wantnt time forr the pepeople i lovove. mymy heart doeoesn t pupump eh blood d so my doctctor gave e farxigiga. it helelps my hearart do i its job betetter. fafarxiga helplps keep mee livingng life and d out of thehe hospital for heheart failurure. do notot take if allergigic to farxixiga. symptomsms of a seririous allec reacaction inclulude rash, swellingng, difficululty brbreathing oror swallowini. stop takining and seekek medidical help r right away. tell youour doctor r right ay if you h have red cocolor in urine o or pain while you u urinate, or a g genital arerea infectn since a rarare but sererious genital ininfection mamay be life-e-threatenini. dodo not take e farxiga if youou have sevevere kidny proboblems or arare on dialyl. other seserious sidede effecs includude dehydratation, suddenen kidney prproblems, genitatal yeast anand bacterl infefections in womenen and men,, urinary trtract infectction, and low w blood sug