Der Weltklimarat der Uno rüttelte diese Woche mit wissenschaftlichen Daten zur Erderwärmung auf – der Mittelmeerraum wird ein Hotspot des Klimawandels.
last 30 or 40 years. generally speaking. last 30 or 40 years. generally speaking. is last 30 or 40 years. generally speaking, is this last 30 or 40 years. generally speaking, is this something . speaking, is this something that speaking, is this something that - i speaking, is this something that i mean, i started off by saying, do you expect this? i appreciate what you said about how you use satellite images and what have you, but how far can you go to forecast or predict what is coming next? i mean, in terms of the weather forecast, this event was very well forecast days and days and days ago. a week ago people were warning that this was going to happen. so our ability to do the weather forecast part of this through the met office or through the european sensor or through the european sensor or through the us weather forecasting agencies is very, very high. the change that we are seeing, the impacts of climate change, is something else again. our ability to say something ab