Heatwave conditions continue to prevail in Maharashtra with no relief on the cards in the coming days. According to the IMD, the temperatures in Maharashtra are likely to rise by 2 to 4 degrees Celsius during the next four days. In view of the rise in temperature, the BMC authorities have issued some guidelines for people. Check details., Mumbai News, Times Now
States like Sikkim, Odisha and Jharkhand may experience heatwave conditions over the next two to three days. Similar conditions are expected in isolated parts of Punjab and Haryana on April 17, and western Uttar Pradesh on April 18. Eastern Uttar Pradesh may also be affected on April 18-19.
The West Bengal Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, has directed the closure of all educational institutions due to the severe heatwave conditions in the state. The Chief Minister also urged private educational institutions to follow the protocol and remain closed during the period., Business News, Times Now