confirmed the last time. you re hearing pompeo may be leaning against that? that s right. as we get closer and closer to the deadline, his prospects go down. and also you have to when is that deadline? june 1. you have to think about in the context of the impeachment p if you want to run for president in 2024, a lot of people will forget the impeachment. by june 1 it s going to be fresh. you could argue it either way. i think that s why he hasn t made up his mind. before we go, you ve done extraordinary reporting on china. today china, iran and russia begin military exercises in the gulf of oman. what s behind this closer together over the trump administration? it s a big deal. it s no coincidence that these are the three leading authoritarian dictatorships that are repressive and aggressive
i think while this strategy of saying we re not going to comply with any subpoenas, we re going to force the democrats to fight all of this in court, while it may ultimately fail, you may get a court of appeals and ultimately the supreme court to say no, this is not a proper basis. they may win in the shortterm just by matter of timing. because as we already saw, even this one court opinion took about seven months to come out. even though, you know, this was a 120-something page opinion, very well reasoned so one can imagine it took some time for this judge to come up with all the rationale, it was seven months that the democrats just don t have right now. so while the strategy may fail, ultimately, and they may get a court of appeals to issue an opinion saying this is not a valid legal basis, they may win just by the delay. the delay, exactly. charlie, hearing pompeo today adding to the many republicans who have posed that debunked narrative that ukraine was responsible for the hack
let s also talk about former ambassador mckinley s sworn testimony that was released yesterday. where does this leave secretary of state mike pompeo here? is this really becoming sort of a he said/he said situation, because we are hearing one testimony from mckinley, basically saying he raised concerns with pompeo and then obviously hearing pompeo, or saying basically, mckinley never brought anything up about yovanovitch or his lack of defense of her. right now, it really is, a he said/she said, or he said/he said, and i think that the one thing that democrats could do is try to bring some other state department officials in, if they re willing to testify, and the state department officials have been discouraged from testifying in this impeachment inquiry and impeachment probe. but there could be some corroboration about this is something that mckinley wanted, and talked to pompeo about, it is unclear whether there are
which brings us back to this question for republicans. would they rather win with putin s help or lose without it? let s bring in tonight s panel. shane harris, danielle pletka, and cornell belcher. hello. hello. thank you for being my first panel back. shane, let me start with you. we re hearing pompeo. this is an interesting committee hearing because you re not getting tough questions from one side, pattycake questions from the other, you re getting some interesting tough questions from both sides of the aisle. absolutely. the thrust of those questions is what happened in that room with vladimir putin and donald trump at that meeting. i don t think mike pompeo can really say that he fully knows. dan coats remember last week told an audience in aspen he didn t know, so i m not exactly sure why mike pompeo would know and why president trump would be a completely reliable narrator in this but that is deeply frustrating for a committee that is supposed to be exercising overnight of
good evening, i m chuck todd here in washington. welcome to mtp daily. you are looking live at capitol hill where the current secretary of state, mike pompeo, is being grilled from both sides of the aisle basically by the senate foreign relations committee. he is testifying for the first time since last week s, i don t know what you call it, but that summit. don t call it a summit, call it a meeting, but it was a pr disaster between president trump and vladimir putin. the incredible fallout from that meeting, summit, whatever, continues to escalate to the point where we re starting tonight s show with a question facing republicans that shows you just how far the party has moved under president trump. that question is would republicans rather win with putin s help or lose without it? it s a provocative question, we know. but so far in this hearing pompeo has been defiant and he claims this president has a clear-eyed view of the russian threat. i want you to know president trump has