The Delhi High Court on Thursday stayed the city government s ban on cross-gender massages in private spas and wellness centres functioning in Delhi, observing there is no reasonable connection between the absolute ban and preventing .
Delhi restaurant that ‘denied’ entry to woman in saree shut down, here's why - The restaurant in Delhi that allegedly denied entry to a woman wearing a saree has been asked to shut down by the SDMC.
The guidelines have been made while keeping in mind the safety and security of the consumers as well as the employees on the premises
The order lays out some specific provisions that the centres will have to follow to ensure utmost safety inside their premises
The centres will also need to have separate toilets & bathrooms for males and females as well as separate changing rooms
NEW DELHI: The Delhi Government has laid out guidelines for the operation of spa and massage centres in the city while laying out strict measures to ensure the prohibition of sexual abuse and trafficking, and safeguards to ensure the security of consumers as well as employees. The guidelines which were issued for obtaining Health Trade Licences and operating Spa & Massage Centres in the city were approved by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday (August 2, 2021). The guidelines strictly prohibit any kind of cross-gender massage in the premises while laying guidelines for the protection of