staff reporterraipur, chhattisgarh received three national awards for its exceptional execution of the ayushman bharat scheme. chhattisgarh received the award in the ‘big states’ category, commending its commitment
staff reporterraipur, chief minister bhupesh baghel said that the state government is working for the empowerment of villages, farmers, tribals, labourers and women. he was addressing the special backward tribes and forest rig
staff reporterraipur/ambikapur, the maa mahamaya airport located in darima has successfully completed its testing flight, marking a historic moment for the city of ambikapur. health minister t s singhdeo and other dignitaries, inclu
staff reporterraipur, in a scathing attack on the state government, bharatiya janata party (bjp) mla dr krishnamurti bandhi has criticised the state of government hospitals in chhattisgarh, stating that the health system is on a ven
CM Bhupesh Baghel has counted on regional pride, soft Hindutva to keep BJP at bay. But in the wake of first killings in riots under him, it has come under scrutiny.