Welcome to the april 13, 2020 meeting. I am joined by Video Conference with vice chair supervisor stephanie and supervisor gordon mar and id like to thank sf gov tv for staffing this meeting. Any announcements . To protect members, City Employees and the public, the legislative chamber and k Committee Rooms are closed. However, members will be participating remotely at the same extent as if they were present. Public comment will be available for each item on this agenda, both the channel 26 and sfgov. Org are streaming across the screen. Call 888 2045504. When you are connected, dial 1 and then 0 to be added to the key. You will be lined up in the system that you dial 1 and 0. While youre waiting, the system will be silent and notify you when youre in line and waiting. All will remain online. Everyone must account for the time delay between live coverage and streaming. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways, email me at victor young. If you submit
Services committee. Im supervisor rafael mandelman, the chair. And were joined by vice chair supervisor stefani and supervisor walton and i want to thank the fine folks for staffing this meeting as well as the operations and i. T. For lending their support to this first remote meeting of our committee. And for all that you are all doing to keep all of our meetings running smoothly, which i know that is challenging in these times. And mr. Clerk do you have announcemented . Clerk due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect City Employees, the board of supervisors legislative chamber and the Committee Room are closed. The members are participating in the meeting remotely, the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment is available for each item on the agenda, both cable channel 26 and sfggovtv. Org are streaming. And the ability to speak during the Comment Period are available by calling 8882045984. And you can utilize an access code. The code is, 3501008. Ill r
While youre waiting, the system will be silent and notify you when youre in line and waiting. All will remain online. Everyone must account for the time delay between live coverage and streaming. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways, email me at victor young. If you submit Public Comment via email, it will be included as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent to city hall 1, doctor carlton b. Goodlet place, san francisco, california, 94102. That completes my announcements. Thank you so much, and can you please read item number one . An emergency ordinance to temporarily require private employers with 500 or more employees to provide emergency leave during the Public Health emergency related to covid19. Thank you. Any opening comments . Thank you, chair ronen. Colleagues, as you may recall, this item is to move forward one amendment that was made to the Public Health Emergency League ordinance at last weeks Roll Committee meeting. The am
Apex and ist the the apex a plateau. Right now we are reaching a plateau from the total number of hospitalizations. You see it is starting to flatten. This is a projection. It still depends on what we do and what we do will affect those numbers. This is not an act of god that we are looking at. It is an act of what society. Ctually does changing daily icu admissions change in icu admissions is down. The discharge rate is right about where it was. 5,489 newws is yorkers have lost their lives to this virus. 58. It is theom 4,7 largest single day increase. Is 731 people who we lost. Behind every one of those numbers is an individual, is a mother, as a father, a sister, brother. Today forain again many new yorkers and they are in our thoughts and prayers. The number of deaths up in the number of hospitalizations dropping, the number of deaths and losses is a lagging indicator to the number of hospitalizations. What happens is a person goes into the hospital, they are treated, most of them
Everyone i think knows who is here. S. My farright, doctor todays numbers and where we are today. Hospitalized newly is up from yesterday. But when you look at the three , day averaging of these numbers, the threeday average is down which is good news. , this is the threeday hospitalization rate. We tend not to look at any one day. Day today it is up somewhat, but if you look at the threeday average, it is moving down which is good news. We talk about the apex and is the apex a plateau . Right know we right now we are projecting we are reaching a plateau from the total number of hospitalizations. You see it is starting to flatten. This is a projection. It still depends on what we do and what we do will affect those numbers. This is not an act of god that we are looking at. It is an act of what society actually does. Change in icu admissions is way down and that is good news. The discharge rate is right about where it was. The bad news is 5,489 new yorkers have lost their lives to this