Welcome home, man. When a resident of San Francisco is looking for health care, you look in your neighborhood first. What is closest to you . If you come to a Neighborhood Health center or a clinic, you then have access it a system of care in the Community Health network. We are a system of care that was probably based on the Family Practice model, but it was really clear that there are special populations with special needs. The cole street clinic is a youth clinic in the heart of the Haight Ashbury and they target youth. Tom woodell takes care of many of the central City Residents and they have great expertise in providing services for many of the homeless. Potrero hill and Southeast Health centers are Health Centers in those particular communities that are family Health Centers, so they provide health care to patients across the age span. Many of our clients are working poor. They pay their taxes. They may run into a rough patch now and then and what were able to provide is a bridge
Is there low income people is there disabled people . Is there seniors . We see it all the time. The point is, main fall is the main cause. Seniors hospitalization its very simple. Help them output some bars in there and make it safer and another thing that i want to mention about land lines, heres a concrete example of how a land line is important. One of our members has a condition that is that she wears a heart upon to monitor and she has too play lay a machine into a phone and she doesnt have a land line. The condition is if there is an emergency she has to call from a house phone and so there are critical things here that are the point. And housing is healthcare, we firmly believe and accessibility and affordability are crucial and i know it might not be glam louse or the most fabulous lime light of the legislature route to fight for low income people in sr os but really, that is, people getting pushed out of town and its a crisis in emergency lets not let them fall out of town. T
To me that it has to be clarified that at if at some point the building sells again, we have a report that is issued with the units and if the determination tonight is that permit is going to be reinstated and the revocation is denied, and we will have to evaluate the reissuance of that report to reflect the actual two unit building. Go ahead. I was going to say that we should focus on what is before us which the revocation. I believe that is correct. So, would you like the roll to be called . That is my motion. Okay. No. It was, it will be the commissioner hurtado. Okay. And we concur. Thank you. So. On that motion, from commissioner hurtado. The motion is to grant the appeal over rule the Zoning Administrators revocation request and reinstate all three permits with the finding that the Zoning Administrator errored on relying on the 1970 final certificate of completion and occupancy. Correct. On that motion to over rule. With that finding, commissioner fung . Aye. President is absent.
When a resident of San Francisco is looking for health care, you look in your neighborhood first. What is closest to you . If you come to a Neighborhood Health center or a clinic, you then have access it a system of care in the Community Health network. We are a system of care that was probably based on the Family Practice model, but it was really clear that there are special populations with special needs. The cole street clinic is a youth clinic in the heart of the Haight Ashbury and they target youth. Tom woodell takes care of many of the central City Residents and they have great expertise in providing services for many of the homeless. Potrero hill and Southeast Health centers are Health Centers in those particular communities that are family Health Centers, so they provide health care to patients across the age span. Many of our clients are working poor. They pay their taxes. They may run into a rough patch now and then and what were able to provide is a bridge towards getting th
Many city staff that came together who monique and mayor lee have already mentioned, but i want to thank in particular the port for your leadership over the many years, all the departments, mayor lee. I also want to thank an agency that i had the pleasure of serving on that many members of the public dont know much about, the bcdc, the bacon Certification Development commission. applause thank you, bcdc. So, those of you who dont know, bcdc is the commission that is responsible for protecting the bay, protecting the access of the public to the bay, protecting the fact that our bay had for many decades until bcdc came along, been encroached by developments that not everyone thought was appropriate. And i think its so special that we are focused today on making sure that this very spot and spots around the entire bay are protected. One of the interesting design aspects of what we stand on right now is that this is built to withstand Sea Level Rise because we know over the next 50 years,