it will the consumer confidence index report is due out on wednesday as well. a small rise is expected in the october numbers. economic uncertainty and high unemployment figures push consumer confidence down below the 50 point line. they are worried if shoppers continue to stay away from stores it could further depress financial markets in general. i am marianne rafferty now back to geraldo at large for all of the latest headlines log on to oo welcome babb everyone. this is a fox news alert. after weeks of rumors in public denial finally admitted to sending former jets reporter john sturder sexually explicit voice mails. he still denies sending racy
pit. the miners will have to clear it away. it could take 3-4 months to get them out. rescuers are able to get food, water and medicine to the men below. federal investigators looking into a fire at a mosque in suburban nashville, tennessee. four pieces were dowsed with gasoline. it is being used for an expansion of monitor. the heated debate over the planned building of a mosque near ground zero in new york city is encouraging opposition group. i am marianne rafferty for the latest headlines log on to go to mike: luther gave his time and money for christian charities while earning millions in the n.f.l. but just a few years after he retired from the game, the economy went south along with luther s investments. he declared bankruptcy.
not guilty to all charges. now back to huckabee. for the latest headlines log on to thth. highway was the wise guy who worked the way up the ladder in the sopranos. since he got whacked. he has been busy on other jobs as the latest role on the father of secret life of an america teenager. he loved amy. listen to me. take it slowly. you got plenty of time. rest of your life. just like me and mine. you think some day, i happy. i am giving you something to shoot for, kid. please welcome steve shirika.
greta: there s much more ahead but first to our new york newsroom. reporter: all eyes will be on wall street tomorrow after stocks plummet wednesday. the dow falling more than 260 points markets biggest loss in six weeks. all major indexes dropping 2% now showing losses for the year. investors seen as reacting to reports the u.s. trade deficit widened in june. a sign the nation s economy grew less than expected in the second quarter. threats of bad weather in the gulf shutting down efforts to finally seal that leaking well. forcasters saying a downgraded tropical storm could pass over the drill site work on the relief well expected to be delayed until early next week many mud and cement would be pumped in. temporary cap has been holding back the oil four a for a machine. now back to on the record. for all the headlines log on to