sunlight to enjoy. i m marianne rafferty. now, back to geraldo at large. for all of the latest headlines log on to me back . i didn t mean to leave quite such a cliff hanger there. gloria said she didn t know whether she would be sentenced to death or not. it would be first degree murder conviction. we cut you off just after you said i forget. like you set me up. h i predict they will give her the death penalty. i am saying it. we will come back and replay the clip when it happens. i don t think so. thank you stacy and gloria again. katie veers the long island 9-year-old what it was like to be held under ground by a pervert. john esposito the jail bound
people don t survive there. they are calling on tehran to respect his rights and release him. i am marianne rafferty, now back to huckabee . for the latest headlines log on to we ll get you back to huckabee. and outgoing secretary hillary clinton finally testified on the capitol hill about the benghazi attacks that kill would four americans. clinton responded angrilyy when senator johnson questioned her on whether or not the administration misled the public. the fact is we have four dead merrence. was it a protest or guys out for a walk and decided to kill americans. what difference at this point does it make? let me say i have known hillary clinton a long time and great respect for her.
million customers without power close to 3 million lost their electricity at the height of the storm. some schools are planning to reopen tomorrow. fuel shortages are still a big problem in new jersey and new york. a first full day is on the way in new jersey. the fut shortage is in new york. 27 percent of gas station by the energy department is by fuel for today. for the latest headlines log on to oo the fight for florida it is a flood fest. tampa bay times bay news 9 leaves president obama 51 percent to 25 percent in florida. the college poll president obama
we are keeping a close watch on hurricane sandy. sandy is expected to make land fall sometime on tuesday. it s on track to collide with a wintery storm moving in from the west and cold air streaming down from the arctic. it will be a monitor storm. 50 million people living in the path of the weather. it prompted the evacuation of thousands from low lying areas with threat of flooding. travel a problem. new york city subway system and mass transit systems in the northeast have been shut down and thousands of flights have been canceled. if you are in the steerms path we want to see what you are seeing. send us pictures or video to now back to huckabee. for the latest headlines log on
florida coast is about to hit land. the storm approaching hurricane strength is the with sustained winds of 70 miles an hour. south carolina all under tropical storm warnings. they are already shutting down memorial day events. putting huz name on the record books after winning the indy 500 the greatest spec cal in racing. this year s race came down to the final lap. he had a crash only secon thes a crash only seconds earlier. franchitti s teammate finished second. for all of the latest headlines log on to the most powerful name in news, fox news channel.