A recap of the days news. A recap of the days news. A stay will be lifted in a civil case ear you will have the right to depose trump. So why do think youll be able to depose and what you think youre going to get. Stkpwhrrs the entire purpose of the stay was, as argued by Michael Cohens attorneys too, see whats going to hap in in the governments investigation. It its basically over because he skwrusz pled out two days ago. As it relates to the deposition, weve laid out our rational and i think were on better footing now, first of Michael Cohen, of tkaopb don. What the president knew, what the Communications Burr Tween him and Michael Cohen. What they did to cover up the existence of the nba, the flow of money. Theres a host of issues that go to the heart of our case. And i also believe theres a significant likelihood were going to follow that up with the president. When we come back another big legal issue for the president. One that. My name is jeff sheldon,
and im the founder of ugmo
a stay will be lifted in a civil case ear you will have the right to depose trump. so why do think you ll be able to depose and what you think you re going to get. stkpwhrrs the entire purpose of the stay was, as argued by michael cohen s attorneys too, see what s going to hap in in the government s investigation. it it s basically over because he skwrusz pled out two days ago. as it relates to the deposition, we ve laid out our rational and i think we re on better footing now, first of michael cohen, of tkaopb don. what the president knew, what the communications burr tween him and michael cohen.