A recap of the days news. A recap of the days news. A stay will be lifted in a civil case ear you will have the right to depose trump. So why do think youll be able to depose and what you think youre going to get. Stkpwhrrs the entire purpose of the stay was, as argued by Michael Cohens attorneys too, see whats going to hap in in the governments investigation. It its basically over because he skwrusz pled out two days ago. As it relates to the deposition, weve laid out our rational and i think were on better footing now, first of Michael Cohen, of tkaopb don. What the president knew, what the Communications Burr Tween him and Michael Cohen. What they did to cover up the existence of the nba, the flow of money. Theres a host of issues that go to the heart of our case. And i also believe theres a significant likelihood were going to follow that up with the president. When we come back another big legal issue for the president. One that. 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Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Charges and two Senior Company officials in connection with his hush money payments. A State Investigation would sepblter on how it for the 130,000 he paid to the actress. Its very significant Boss State Crime kzinate be pardoned by the president. Only by the new york governor and i dont think Andrew Cuomos going to go out of his way to pardon trumps friends. Theyre lower level crimes. I think one step above a misdemeanor. But they have the power to subpoena document said, witnesses. So we could see very interesting testimony and documents kpheupbg out it just means this whole illegal mess has come even harder for trump to control. Considering what he just said talking state charges. President doesnt have pardon power. Could that have anyfect on what they say to him . Absolutely. Theyve got toancer to how is it that these phoney invoices that Michael Cohen talked about on tuesday these phoney voices which we now know twhur way he was being reimbursed for the 130,000 tkhrfr payment and he didnt just repay the 130,000 tkhrfr. Trump, in their effort to hide this settlement to Stormy Daniels actually paid him the taxes he would have had to pay, plus a bonus. So this 130,000 becomes 420,000 and i have tell you you need more than a law degree keep up with the legal woes and troubles of donald trump. I think im pretty smart but man i was skwrusz sitting here thinking like i feel like the days i would report on the mafia trying to keep all of this straight. The language surrounding it, what court flips, flip for the prosecution, defense. Am i talking about the president of the United States, the person who promised to hire all the best people . The people who are leading this country go on. I digress. Sorry. My sentiments exactly. This Criminal Enterprise is so massive and every day theres a new inquiry. We shouldnt leave out that the Trump Foundation sthrz rr also an investigation into how the Trump Foundation has been run by donald trump and an actual lawsuit against donald trump, the foundation and his three children. Allegations are he used that as his private piggy bank and money nide 501 c 3. Donations were used to pay settlements against trumps golf courses and other private businesses and purchases of a Foreign Minister in a trump organizatio organization. Ry lift by trump, his organization and now his children, the list continues to grow each and every day. Stkpwhr in announce Thing Investigation the new york ags complaint said this it was a little more than a checkbook for payments for not for profit said into he controls. The president and his three oldest children are all names in this suit. What information do you think co could provide here . This is getting really close eto home for this president. Well, sure. He went out of his way at that plea hering to say that tkrebged him to kphaeut crime. And since then theyve been on tv saying these rr all the things it and he can talk about is heard donald trump say and how he wanted that money used. He can show Donald Trumps knowledge because despite the president Talking To Fox News and saying he didnt really spend much time with Michael Cohen, thats a lie. He was with Michael Cohen every day. Is what maggie abe ruman of the new york times reported and above and pwaurpbtd that, he can help them inunderstand where the books and records are, who are the right people to subpoena. Can he be guide post. I want to talk about another lawsuit. Stkpwhrop according to court documents, he wants erdz from other women who have are reported similar misconduct. Trump made his statements with common law malice. She said how do you see this case playing out . A judge had res donald trump and his team tried to get this case dismissed. They argued that a sitting president shouldnt be bother would a lawsuit. But a State Court Judge in new york rejected that argument and said no, this case can be move forward. So only should we pect to see but from other wem whaopb said they were involved in Sexual Affairs with donald trump. Donald trump, we should expect theyre going to want to pose it it it when she made allegations that he grobed her and kissed her. This Criminal Interprs Steam Think that they dont have to play by the same set of rules that you and i and the rest of the American People have to play by. And i think people even in his orberate starting to realize this the time to cut bait with him and tell what they do. Tprrtsz a kind of sorted and Criminal Activity donald trump has been involved in. Stprrs. I really appreciate your time. When we kphe back, the new cover of magazine. 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And throughout his life, businessman, donald trump, really specialized in clever engineering, Clever Financial Dealings in order to shift profit around and now for the first time its all potentially going to be opened up for examination. This is why he didnt release his tax returns. He didnt want people to actually have access to the numbers. This is now the Family Business. He talked about that red line, michael. Well, he talked about the red line and presented the piles of manila folders we suspected were full of blank paper. Hes operated as a Family Business whether these years to avoid scrutiny. I think he wanted to give this whole enterprise off to his children and his children spoke to me about how they would run it as a normal business and not be so flagrant in their publicity seeking. They may not get a chance. You said the Courtroom Drama brought all the president s if political problems together in a sidge supernova. Highlights sordid history with Women Willingness Tkaegsz and worst it came minutes after trumps onetime campaign chairman, Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts of tax evasion and bank fraud. And sitting for more than 30 hours off detaild and kapbd idinterviewed. You say thing kz get worse with, much worse for the president legally, politically or both. This is just the beginning. Michael cohen, december 12th, he face as Sentencing Hearing and that means over the next few months any prosecutor who has any case that Michael Cohen may know something about will be reaching out saying how can you help us . Well write you a letter to go before the judge and maybe the judge will reduce your sentence. So that is going to play out and i wouldnt be surprised if the man hat d. A. s office reaches out. And well write a favorable letter to the judge. Paul manafort going into a second trial in september. And hes going to feel even more pressure to cooperate with prosecutors. I just want to show the cover of the issue and this is the animated version of it. Do you think trump, keeping his head above water, do you think thats whats hap inc. Real life . Yes. Hes trying to fight back even harder as weve seen over the last couple of days and this cover was the third in a series there was a cover in february that showed trump at the Resolute Desk had wind blowing through saying nothing to see here. Then when Michael Cohens office was raided, then we decided to show the water rising. This week it seems like the waters have broken through and were going to have to see what the ramifications are and how they play out over the next several months. Trump has always been obsessed with media coverage, particularly Time Magazine for years. Watch this. Saw a reporter for time magazine and i have been on the cover like 14 times. How do you think hes going to react to this one . Well, i think that the cover this week is really precisely on point. He must feel like hes drowning. These problems are rising around him. Meekal cohen knows more about Donald Trumps business than donald trump even knows. So this is a very appropriate image for what he must be feeling. Hes obsessed with magazine covers. His records points are dated. No knock on Time Magazine but the world has moved on to vast numbers off media outlets, in addition to Time Magazine but its still precious real estate and the president , as we all know believes in the best locations. And the Time Magazine cover i think is one of the best locations in journalistic real estate. Go on. I was going to ask as he said that when you look back do you think were going to see this as a Tipping Point . We try to mark historic moments and illustrate them and waoeut about them and talk pwoeut them. This is an important point in this story. Thats why we put that image on the cover. Surptenly going to be looking back at this week as a significant week. When i was in singapore Cover Thing Trump kim summit, the first thing he asked me was am i going to be on the cover this week . It turned out he was next to kim jongun. Just like he reads the new york times. Its something that he turns to every week. The fact is we look back that covers that president s have been on and Richard Nixon still has the record for the most Time Magazine covers. Listen, hes obsessed with iconic brands. Watched cnn for a long time, respects it, actually and the new york post. Those are entities that he really respects and he finds them iconic and thats why he gets so upset when everything in those Different Companies or organizations, its not glowing for him. If Time Magazine is one example of a medialet he cant control. He used to control what was on the cover of the National Enquirer and as a result he didnt respect them lat. And this relationship Wasnt About Journalism or respect. Time magazine, cnn, he cant push either one of those institutions around and as a result he respects them. When we come back, a dog whistle coming straight what he tweeted, why its wrong and part of a disturbing pattern of distracting and deflecting from headlines he doesnt like. So a latenight tweet sinth up an uproar, while likely appealing to some in his base. Lets discuss. Good eve engto all of you. So last night in a seemingly obvious attempt to deflect, he was on Tucker Carlsons show about supposed White Genocide in south africa. He respond would this. I asked to closely study the south african Land Seizures and largescale killing of farmers. Theyre now seizing land from white farmers and put the names of news. I want to first say there is no evidence of any White Genocide. This is a popular Talking Point among white nationalists and neonazis. The hard truth is ive often said i dont get to tell you what to care about. The reality is if you are somebody who believes 43 farmers being killed in south africa is a problem, thats great. If it deserves an overwhelming response, thats great. But you should also believe ruwanda deserves a response. That is fine to have that believe. But you should believe that nfl players driven to their knees because of conviction that they have nowhere taoels then maybe you should be tweeting about their pain and issues. There is a clear angle where individuals are responding to things that may not be real. In this interview with chris cuomo, people are living in two alternate universes. He has an entire Intelligence Agency at his disposal, dedicated to providing him with the best information possible. Why not check with them before tweeting out these incorrect facts and white nationalists Conspiracy Theories . Because he was told by a fox news host to jump and he said how high . It was almost simultaneous where this host said what is the president going to do about it and he immediately tweeted that hes going to have pompeo look into it. Th this isnt the first time he has taken news hosts at their word without checking his authorities. This is something that he heard that was of interest to the other network and he acted on it. That being said the information should have corroborated first. There a situation where some of the land was disappropriated and order your officials to look into the matter. Its just African National Congress Said theyre willing to forward with unoccupied land wont be paid for. Whether that is a good idea or not is not a question for tonight. And at rate that is seen as fair to whoever it is. So africa is dealing with brutal inequities that not been reconcile would even decades after. The Republican Party was basically pro apartaeu in the 1980s. Donald trump didnt take this nowhere. Ronald regan called Nelson Mandela a terrorist on the terrorist watch list. Jerry fallwell, they all said we prefer the aparte government to Nelson Mandela. This was a long Standing Position of the american right, going back to the time. Thats where trump gets it from. He picks up some sort of racist thing. Something that he knows his base will eat up and again is inaccurate. In the large a tweet meaning which is inaccurat inaccurate. The United States is undergoing a massive demographic shift. So rather than figure out how to strengthen the country. People like hosts on other Network Donald Trump continually flame the notion that because white people are losing a little bit maybe at the top of the Power Structure other people are corrupt. Well talk about that after the break. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during sleep numbers biggest sale of the year. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the new sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing and free home delivery. Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Back here. Peter, i got to give you credit. I found fascinating entitled why Trump Supporters believe hes not corrupt. You cover everything from Mollie Tibbetts and Michael Cohen. How about none about Michael Cohens confession and how it involved this president . My argument is i think what really bothers Trump Supporters is ncorruption of law but the traditional hierarchies in america. White over black, male over female. He may be violating the law, but hes reaffirming those old hierarchies. But Mollie Tibbetts. The notions that white women should be protected from nonwhite man is an old idea in america. So a latino man had threatand white woman, youre talking bute threat to the traditional order, the traditional hierarchy and thats the corruption theyre afraid of, not the corruption of law. So ultimately do the most ardent supporters see wrong doing by people close to the president reflecting badly on him or they just dont care . Right now the base really doesnt care. He talks about as he indicated corruption is being defined against purity and not the law. Because what trumps saying and the administrations saying he hasnt been charged with a crime. Im sorry in my book its wrong to cheat on your wife, wrong to pay off porpb stars and wrong to tell the American People youdoidant know about it and you sort of knew about it and you knew about it later. In my view its wrong, plain and simple. I had a lot of dealings with david pecker. I expect that vault to be over flowing. But more importantly for the midterm elections, this will energize democrats to get out and vote so they can speak out if republican rdz going to close their eyes. Remember the favorite chant was lock her up, lock her up referring to Hillary Clinton. Why were say so concerned with all the wrong doings about the clinton they dont acknowledge proven facts about President Trump and all the investigations and not paying people and affairs that has been proven . I think we have a fundamental disconnect with covering politics today. The fact theyre such fixed characters. When you talk about it from that standpoint, were not saying oh, theyre moved by fact. I dont think it was a whether you believe the stories about vince foster, when you hated her hair do in the late tphaoeupbtsz 90s, that was move Thing Movement of the people more so than anything that was factual. So when you look that from that standpoint to a person like donald trump. Whether you like 70s donald trump, 80s donald trump. Were looking at it saying these people round you have done wrong. Lets say you put them oen a scale. Of wrong dining. Lets say everything is wrong. Donald trump would weigh the scale down and Hillary Clinton would go flying off. Is this pure misogyny and people wont say it . People have hated Hillary Clinton and responded long before anyone was suggesting she was corrupt. It was the idea she didnt cookies. She was standing by her man. As a feminist and a tutenshal woman president a threat to the established order. And come canning on the heels of barack obama, that combination i remember go thing to 2016 convention and looking at the paraphernalia sold outside. Near porpbographic sexism. That gave me an insight into what was really going on. We got to go . We got to go. I got to go. Kwr go ahead. Im in little rock, arkansas. I know everything about Hillary Clinton. People died in benghazi and that is a result indiana large part on inaction by Hillary Clinton. While i think lies and abuse is rampant, no ones died. I know what youre saying, alice, how many hearing there were, millions of dollars, years and there was zero conviction or there was nothing was found. So i hear what youre saying you know how Many Americans we got to go. Well be right back. man managing my type 2 diabetes wasnt my top priority. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. 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