the things that makes awescountrt may so awesome, so great, so it s called the rule of law. and justw. because we don t like an outcome, intervene, outcomes i didn t like. ome doesn t mean that we should trash the system. emu shoulddoesn use the system and employ the system to try to remedy what you think is the wronyste tg. and if president trump, who clearly believes the wrong decision wasg. who reached yesterday,e shou he should appeal it and he should appeal it with alld l the might and with all the resources that he has to ensur e that the right verdict is delivered at some. in and if it s not jesse in his mind, he has to accept it becausin e. f us none of us are bigger than thisg thing called the united states of america. and in the judicial system, i believe is an important part i of makes us so unique. well, judge, you can say that we have a great judicial system hav. we do. y but you can also abuseouls the judicial system and it makes it not so great.
do we want to get into what mitt romney said in the poulis inning in church all of those years until 1978 when he heard what was and he called up sean and said, you opened up the religious issue, and that is not smart. and he said that black people are cursed and cannot be in the mormon priesthood because they carry the curse of cain. and you know, why would he want to open up that book? i don t think he would. i don t i th t think he shou. it will not help him. he has to pander to both sides of the equation in that one statement. well, what bugs me is that he does not believe in american exceptionalism, and this president does look to the rest of the world not as evil and roton and it is part of the world we live in, but nobody has been more poetic about this country when he says nowhere in this country is it possible for someone like me. and this is a consistent theme for mitt romney.