day. his secret service code name is celtic. that s how irish he is. here he was today with the irish prime minister. every st. patrick s day, every irishman goes out to find another irishman to make a speech to. well, that s why i m here. i, like all after you, take pride in my irish ancestry. as long as i can remember, it s been a part of my soul how i ve been raised. he takes pride in his ancestry but he joked he s not really irish because he s sober and his family isn t in jail, at least not yet. get it, the irish drink and get arrested a lot. watch. i ve been to ireland many times but not to look up to find my actual family members. there s so member. they weren t in jail. all kidding aside, i met the finighans and all the folks we re related to. i m the only irishman that s never had a drink. that s okay. i m not irish. you have to wonder how his countrymen in the puerto rican community is. here he is giving credit to the irish. they might feel slighted in puert
job along with our great, panel great, great american later, more explosivere e xpwhistleblower testimony about how our doj has been weaponizes . also, aoc is having a little bit of trouble. she might be in legal trouble.ln we ll explain straight ahead. and it may even shock you and defend her. oh, no. y i m going to do yet. stay tuned. w whatall right. but first, joe biden, well, hede is continuing. suspen keep us all in suspensea and waiting. take look at mr. before you announce his election, sir, when i don t think he knows it s friday. now, the 80 year old sittingi president just won t sayo ru whether he plans to run for a second term, although his wife, jill , said it for him.t that does not exactly inspiree any confidence in me. but if he ultimately does decide to run, it looks like it ll be back to the basement bunker for joey, who is reportedly now enlisting prominen t democrats to travel and speak on his behalf. because he s likely notkely n capabl
thank you smoo much for being wh us. thank you. please visit sign the petition. thank you. a new jersey man just successfully walked from the atlantic to the pacific. 3,000 miles. why? he sgoi going to join us next a tell us. america is systemically racist. only the government can save us humans are a parasite on the planet stop! i was a left-wing activist, but thanks to prageru, my mind has changed. through prageru s short educational videos, i learned how to articulate my beliefs and fight for my values.
colleagues are panicking overcoe the prospect of a weak, frailral cognitive mess who will be 80, two years old if he runs again. but even as the crisis pile up,o well, joe is once again offrse e to delaware for the weekend. for f course, is for much needed r and r. but we don t know and won t know who he sgoi going to be meeting. wwee neve r know that question. and the answer to that question anyway. and that brings us tanywayo thes blunders of the week. you r oyou e goinve gg to lo awful lot of really good republicans, but the magary republicans are a different breed of cat. they re not bad or just very they re very different. and by the way, you know,, i i m nomat i may be a white boy, but i m not but i m not joking. if they have to pay out one hundred fifty thousand four hundred
the maximum but that s when you start to see the water. that s before the eye takes the center. that s right. and when that eye will be moving, you know, northward and it will continue to pile up the water. the winds create the storm surge because there s frictional drag with the wind on the ocean surface and that will pile up the water and push it into the bays and it has nowhere to go but of course to flood. so people need to get out of dodge. george wright, thank you for explaining how that all works. now, we know of at least one man who has decided to stay in miami. he s apparently keeping his restaurant open, today at least, unless he is forced to close. he sgoi he s going to join our chris cuomo live on the other side of the break back in miami beach. stay with us. super-cool notebooks, done.