It was the month of June, more than three and a half decades ago, when I joined service as an expert of ‘plant protection’ at the Bathinda station of the Punjab Agricultural University. The person in charge of the station was a man of wit and wisdom with a let-me-help-you attitude. Very
Organisations like the Popular Front of India (PFI) and any other such fronts, who have been indulging in anti-national activities and creating discord amongst our citizens must be banned and action initiated against them as per law, an interfaith dialogue organized by All India Sufi Sajjadanashin Council (AISSC) said at its resolution here on Saturday
The statement issued by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board observed that there was no point in participating and watching debates whose sole intention is to 'defame Islam and the Muslim community.'
जी. पार्थसारथी
‘बामियान के बुद्ध’, की मूर्तियां विश्व के सबसे उत्कृष्ट स्मारकों में से एक थीं और सदियों तक भारत-मध्य एशिया को जोड़ते रहे महान ‘सिल्क मार्ग’ पर पड़ने वाले दर्शन