involved in earlier one, things like that that can create panic in the united states even though the death toll may be very low. martha: we all remember when we started to hear the name osama bin laden floating around. this is a person we need to be very much aware of. thank you for filling in some of the belongs for us today, cully. thanks. martha: a totally different issue to discuss coming up, paddling in schools could soon be a thing of the past. maybe some of you think it s already a thing of the past. it turns out it is not, there are 20 states that allow it. how a congresswoman is taking action to stop this for good and some folks think that is a bad idea. new developments today in a horrifying story that i m sure you will remember when i fill you in on this. two dean age girls allegedly shot to death by their own father, honor killings in america, this haunting story, next. 911, what is your emergency?
can say. good for her, good for her, we got to go home and practice. see you trace. it s information that we don t know really about our borders and now one virginia official wants to change that, but why is it so difficult to get data on illegal aliens? we take a closer look. a followup to that story that left a sour taste in a lot of viewers mots mouths, who s now saying sorry to a seven-year-old girl after they shut down her lem aid stand? this guy might look like he is trying to take his own life. in fact, he is looking for immortality, at least on the web. he uses his own camera to film the entire episode, and what happened next could simply not get any crazier. wait until you see this: with p we can fly out to see family.
coanchor on america s newsroom. good to see you bill. this is just chilling. reporter: chilling and stunning. they ve been on this story for almost three years. this goes back to christmas day of 2008 with two young girls with a life of promise and passion, one had an academic scholarship lined up at a college already at age 17 and 18 to be found riddled with bullets in the back of a taxicab that their father allegedly drove. he s gone, there has not been a whiff of this man and it s been almost three years. martha: are he s gone and they have the horrific phone calls which we played earlier documenting these poor girls in the back seat of his taxicab. she says my dad is shooting me. reporter: this story has been reported on in texas for quite sometime actually. what you re going to see tonight are hours and hours are videotape from the suspected
and there is a celebration going on in the east room right now. saturday s swearing in will be a two prong event, one will be private, the other part is more public. chief justice john roberts will administer the oath privately then they will give her the oath with press on hand. you can watch the entire event streaming live in its entirety on this story really shook a lot of us when we heard it a couple years back, the tragic death of two teenagers in texas. it has raised feel that radical law is taking root right here in america. this is a two years investigation that fox news has done into the deaths of these two young girls and they have uncovered never before seen video. why police are pointing the finger in the deaths of these girls at their father. bill hemmer joins us live with this fox news exclusive. and some tense moments on the
didn t do a thing. people living there are furious, they have been taking to the streets as they struggle to make their own ends meet. this raises even more concerns about the embattled pension system and how they re going to continue to pay all these people after they retire. trace gallagher is following this story for us from our west coast newsroom. good to see you trace reporter: you too, martha. the california public retirement system is known as calpers, in charge of running the pension fund and in charge of policing the pension fund. apparently they were not doing a very good job of the latter, because documents have come to light that they knew about the salaries in bell, california. remember, this is an organization that is supposed to stop these huge pay increases because those will end up being huge pensions. but four years ago, they got evidence that robert rizzo, the city manager of bell, california, was getting a 47 percent pay hike and calpers did nothing. they notifie