New Delhi: In a significant move, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has taken action to prevent blockades by protesters on the Chandigarh-Delhi highway. Recognizing the highway s importance as a vital link connecting the length and breadth of the country, the High Court issued a firm directive on Tuesday to Haryana and other respondents., Delhi News, Times Now
After farmers in Haryana barricaded a highway in Shahabad, Kurukshetra, for more than six hours, three farmer leaders were taken into custody and a number of their followers were rounded up.
The Haryana police had resorted to the use of water cannon and lathi-charge on protesting farmers demanding minimum support price (MSP) for the sunflower crop.
Police had detained several farmers, including Chaduni Tuesday when they were blocking Delhi-Ambala national highway (NH-44) near Kurukshetra seeking procurement of sunflower seeds at minimum support price (MSP) in Haryana.
Farmers on Tuesday blocked Delhi-Chandigarh National Highway-44 near Shahabad in Haryana s Kurukshetra district in protest against the state government s decision not to buy sunflower seeds at the minimum support price (MSP). the police used water cannons to disperse the protesting farmers., India News, Times Now