Since 1947, Pakistan’s military establishment had only one war front. Part of the reason was lack of any disproportionate border problems with its Islamic neighbours such as Iran and Afghanistan. China, the de facto if.
While ‘wars have reduced in frequency’ as hypothesised by Harvard University linguist and psychologist Steven Pinker; they have, nevertheless, become more protracted and indecisive, if not equally violent. During the Cold War days, the Vietnam.
Within the sanctified portals of the National Defence College (NDC) in New Delhi, Kautilya, India’s legendry strategic thinker, is all-pervading. He has the main lecture hall to himself and remains a popular research entity for.
China and India are often at loggerheads in international relations. Bilateral differences are at the center of divergence than differential ‘value systems’ (like authoritarianism vs democracy). Scholars have debated, rather endlessly, about its fall-out on.
Revolutions don’t work; evolutions do! While India remains one of the largest buyers of weapons in international market, India’s defence procurement regime has also evolved over the years in pushing fast procurement decisions and expansion.