The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party on Wednesday said the BJP owed an explanation regarding Talib Hussain, an LeT terrorist, who “worked as IT in-charge of the BJP’s Minority Morcha in Jammu. “As the appointment letter of LeT commander Talib Hussain as BJP’s IT cell presiden
Excelsior Correspondent CHENANI, July 2: Accusing the BJP of having failed and floundered in honouring its commitments with the people of J&K ever since its ascendance to power, former Minister and senior AAP leader, Harsh Dev Singh said that the saffron party was thriving merely on empty rhetoric and false propaganda. “It had proved to be a party of ‘Jumlas’ with a complete mismatch between its promises and delivery. The BJP leadership exploited the gullibility of the innocent voters during […]
Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, May 10: Former Minister Harsh Dev Singh who had recently joined AAP in Delhi was accorded a rousing reception on his arrival in Jammu today. Thousands of supporters of Harsh Dev Singh thronged the Jammu Airport in the afternoon and took Singh and Gaurav Sharma (Jammu Parbhari, AAP) in a huge procession to the office of Aam Aadmi Party in Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. The huge procession resulted in road blockade and suspension of vehicular traffic on the […]
A day after joining AAP, former J&K minister and Panthers Party leader Harsh Dev Singh met Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, giving rise to speculations that he may be given a senior position in the party.