Harnaaz Sandhu who has worked in Punjabi films shares a close bond with The Kapil Sharma Show s actress Upasana Singh. Speaking to a media portal, the actress opened up on receiving a call from Miss Universe 2021 after her epic win. Upasana has already signed Harnaaz for two movies.
As part of the final question round, the top three Miss Universe 2021 contestants were asked, What advice would you give to young women watching on how to deal with the pressures they face today? Harnaaz Sandhu s answer about beliuving in yourself led her to win the prestigious title.
Harnaaz edged out contestants Paraguay s Nadia Ferreira and South Africa s Lalela Mswane to bag the Miss Universe 2021 crown. Andrea Meza, Miss Universe 2020 from Mexico, crowned Harnaaz at the event, which was held in Eilat, Israel.
Chandigarh-based Harnaaz Kaur is the third Indian to have won the title of Miss Universe, after Sushmita Sen in 1994 (in a pageant held in the Philippines) and Lara Dutta in 2000.