Readers Write: End-of-life issues, loitering laws, Black Minnesota musicians Death is not the solution. March 5, 2021 6:00pm Text size Copy shortlink:
I agree with Dr. Steve Bergeson ( Aid in dying is not the help sick Minnesotans need, Opinion Exchange, March 3) that the End of Life Option Act proposed by state Sen. Chris Eaton and Rep. Mike Freiberg is the wrong way to help sick Minnesotans. Assisted suicide normalizes suicide. Assisted suicide devalues the sick, the disabled, the elderly and the poor, those who do not have access to proper care for mental illness. Assisted suicide leads to a view that our lives only have value if we are productive, rather than recognizing the inherent value of all human beings. And isn t this failure to recognize the value of each person at the heart of the abuses we see around us: racism, murder, bullying, sexual exploitation?