workers and have made the entry level job virtually an endangered species. un unpaid internships are going gangbuster as never before. i think the internship boom has all kinds of significant issues we need to be talking b. there is also a class angle to this as well, right, because parents do their best to help their kids land those plumb internships, but there is a real gap between what they can wrangle in terms of intern ships and what they have room for. is that the issue here? it s the key issue, matt, and it s often gotten lost in the debates around this. not only do we have exploited stories of interns making zil yonz of copies, running coffee
industry that could help fuel for segments that had opportunity and expected to grow significantly over the years with a forecasted growth rate in the 20-plus percent range for 2020, we realized that underperforming populations and certainly war veterans being significantly disadvantaged if you look at their unemployment rates, we recognized that education could be a strong component for as a retraining initiative, really, in assistance in fueling these segments of the economy that do have potential in growth. so we recognize that our accelerated learning model, our boot camp type philosophy which fits in really well to the military student, where we can change or affect the pace of technology change and train an individual in a relatively short period of time and equip them with, you know, vocational aptitude that can be used immediately in searching for a job and certainly being effective in the i.t. role. tyler, tell us your story.
afford to work for free and don t have the kinds of personal connections, the kinds of networks to get these positions will be left out and will be all the poorer for it. susan has a question. my question is, when i went to school, i did internships. i did an internship after school as well, all unpaid, and that was kind of part of the experience. what you re talking about, though, is when you hear people interning in their mid to late 20s, it seems like there is a difference between the two. can you get a little deeper into maybe someone who is doing this for a college credit versus someone who is doing it because they just can t find a job? there are certainly great internships out there, still. in many ways, internships is a great idea with intentions that have gone wrong. 30 to 40 years ago when internships were still an experience done by a relatively small population i m not suggesting you were doing it 30 or 40 years ago thank you.
you served in iraq, you came back, had trouble finding a job. tell us what happened and then how this program helped. well, thankfully for me i was enrolled full-time in college, so i didn t have to actively look for a job when i got out of the military. i knew i wanted to go to college and i would be supported by the g.i. bill for the semesters i was in school. the problem i ran into was a lot related to other veterans, and that was not a lot of people were giving me a chance. i had a great resume, i was about to finish my degree in information systems management, and what i ran into was i was just blasting my resume out there trying to get as many people to see me as i could, yet no one was returning any of my calls. on the resume was a degree in information systems management which is an i.t. business degree as well as, for instance, all my medals from the military from when i was in the war. and i noticed when you put my resume next to my friends and classmates in college, it
to their boss, but it s more about access and the come flexion of whole fields. internships have now become a pay to play system. you can t essentially pay to work for free, that is, cover your rent in some of the most expensive cities in the country. food, living expenses often pay for the academic credit you need to buy from your school to do it, you re simply out of luck. increasingly, young students have to do not one or two internships, but pseudo internships, and even then a job is not necessarily around the corner. it s become another factor in social inequality. the field where intern ships are most important, politics, film, media, television, entertainment, those are places we re going to hear a more limited range of voices because of this. people from working class backgrounds who need to be working a paid job who can t