Hanover managing director Martin Kind has said he will take action after fans portrayed him and others on banners with cross-hairs during a match on Friday. Hanover's second division match at SV Hamburg was interrupted for half an hour and was close to being abandoned because of the banners. The incident was part of ongoing protests by fans at Bundesliga and second tier games against the plan of the German Football League (DFL) to bring in a strategic partner. The 36 DFL clubs just reached the n
Germany national team director Rudi Völler has accused a vice-president of his own football federation (DFB) of going over the top with criticism of the squad. Germany host Euro 2024 next June but the senior men's team has lurched from one bad result to another over the past five years. DFB vice-president Ralph-Uwe Schaffert, also president of the North German football federation, told the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung: "I feel a not entirely small number of current players think they can perh
Two German childcare centers in Nordrhein-Westfalen issue child sexuality manifestos, waxing poetic about the benefits of masturbation and outlining rules for child sexual play, EUGYPPIUS writes on his substack. EUGYPPIUS is a very reliable reporter. He investigated reports of “sexual exploration ro