being near early stakeholders lik early investors, including snoop dogg is offering concerts on his land, snoop verse. fortune 500 companies like adidas and gucci. have you had a hard time convincing individuals or businesses to pluc down hundreds of thousands of dollars for virtual real estate i think people realize that the value of the land in itself is not that interesting. what matters for us and the landowners is the economic activit they re going to build on top of it. reporter: is it fair to compare investing in metaverse now to buying piece of manhattan before it was metropolis it could be, absolutely reporter: early adopters like sierra believe wherever it does go, it is the future where are we right now? we just landed in the night club underneath the house. reporter: as i m dancing, am i looking at a shark this is the shark tank with great whites and hammerhead sharks inside it. reporter: how many people are in the club there are hundreds of people in this
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