The novel written by Tahir Gora Al-Bakistan in Urdu and Hindi has been launched at the Press Club of India, Delhi on Friday. The book is published by Kautilya
Many of our criminals are people with emotional and mental health problems. In addition, most of them are ill-educated. Prisons should not just be places where punishments are meted out, they should.
This refers to the letter, ‘Brain waste’ by Haleema Sadia. The letter argues that brain drain is not the crippling phenomenon that many in Pakistan imagine it to be. Instead, the letter.
In my opinion, the problem of brain drain has been greatly exaggerated in Pakistan. While it is true that many talented Pakistanis elect to study and work abroad, I believe there is abundant talent.
…By now, it should be clear to all that the capitalist system has utterly failed to deliver on its promises. Rather than widespread prosperity there is ever-widening inequality and rampant.