re was something else dick clark did. he broke the color barrier on that stage celebrating black artists ahead of his time. giving chubby checker his big break. and so many others, too. darling, you send me i know you ladies and gentlemen, for their first visit, jackson five. this is madonna. holiday reporter: over the years, clark barely seemed to age. he spoke of america s nickname for him. i have a terrible problem because people keep referring to me as america s oldest living teenager. reporter: and he was the one who count us down here on abc. 3, 2, 1, happy 2000. only a stroke would slow dick clark down. my speech is not perfect, but i m getting there. reporter: forever the teenager who never liked to say good-bye, not on new year s nor on that stage that broke so much ground. so long. so long. for now, dick clark. so long. reporter: and here in times square where he ushered in the new year every year, the crowds that have gathered to honor dic
his simple introduction made careers. it also saved them. frankie avalon. you played a record of mine. reporter: but there was something else dick clark did. he broke the color barrier on that stage celebrating black artists ahead of his time. giving chubby checker his big break. and so many others, too. darling, you send me i know you ladies and gentlemen, for their first visit, jackson five. this is madonna. holiday reporter: over the years, clark barely seemed to age. he spoke of america s nickname for him. i have a terrible problem because people keep referring to me as america s oldest living teenager. reporter: and he was the one who count us down here on abc. 3, 2, 1, happy 2000. only a stroke would slow dick clark down. my speech is not perfect, but i m getting there. reporter: forever the teenager who never liked to say good-bye, not on new year s nor on that stage that broke so much ground. so long. so long. for now, dick clark. so long.