The Lahore police have registered an FIR against the younger son of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi from her previous marriage on charges of possession of liquor, Dawn reported.
The Lahore police have registered an FIR against the younger son of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan s wife Bushra Bibi from her previous marriage on charges of possession of liquor, Dawn reported. 🌎 Imran Khan s Step-Son Booked in Liquor Case in Lahore.
The Lahore police have registered an FIR against the younger son of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khans wife Bushra Bibi from her previous marriage on charges of possession of liquor, Dawn reported.According to the FIR, the Ghalib Market police .
Muhammad Musa Maneka is the younger son of Imran Khan s wife Bushra Bibi from her previous marriage. Bushra Bibi has three children from her first marriage.