He left some of his belongings behind, including the brown safe, but when the women tried to contact him, she got no response. The woman, who became a witness, kept the safe stored in the garage until 2019 when she decided to move interstate, and needed to sell the safe, which she advertised on the Albury-Wodonga Buy, Sell, Swap Facebook page. Michael John Portwood On November 30, 2019, a man bought the safe and came over with a friend to pick it up and take it home. Once at home the man used an angle grinder to open the safe, revealing a number of hard drives, a yellow envelope containing photo ID and bank cards with Portwood s name on them as well as six USBs.
The 54-year-old attacked the victim three times in a window of about half an hour on a late 2018 afternoon when he was playing a game with her and his young son.
A man who was with his son when he was stabbed at a Gympie intersection in broad daylight on Father’s Day has told court his recollection of the moments surrounding the deadly incident.