A Varanasi court on Friday rejected the plea of Hindu side seeking carbon dating of the purported Shivling claimed to be found in the Gyanvapi mosque complex. 📰 Gyanvapi Mosque Issue: Varanasi Court Rejects Hindu Side s Demand Seeking Carbon Dating and Scientific Investigation of Shivling .
The demand by Hindu petitioners for carbon dating to determine the age of a purported 'Shivling' found in Varanasi's Gyanvapi mosque complex was rejected by the city's senior most judge. The Hindu petitioners will challenge the order in Supreme Court
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University is currently in the process of accepting applications for admission to postgraduate programmes MA, MSc, and MCA courses for the academic year 2022-23. October 25 is the last date for submitting online applications. Starting 2022-23, the university is admitting students to postgraduate courses through CUET.