compound for five years. that s more stable living arrangement than everybody in new york city. i m not on the unare. i have never stayed anywhere for five years. it was a million-dollar compound. nothing good happens in a compound. yes, true. and he was living it was crazy. it was in plain sight a million-dollar compound just chilling out there and pakistan had no idea what was going on. that s the most absurd thing anyone could possibly assert. somehow he lives in a garrison city, a a fortress, right near the army and nobody knew he was there? it is not possible. but yet the president of pakistan wrote to the washington post deeply offended. the question here, why keep the balls? can i tell you how hard it was for me not to make ball jokes right now? this was awful.
calls his tractor. he goes over a lot of hills. i am looking forward to it. what does that mean? i don t know. speed bumps i meant. john gibson you brought up the president s upcoming trip to ground zero on thursday. for what it is worst, sources say he invited former president bush to go with him and bush declined. he should have showed up. pakistan, so where were you when you first heard bin laden didn t return soccer balls to children? that s a big story. 9/11 was bad enough. when i heard he didn t return soccer balls i thank god the son of a [bleep] is dead. the whole point of doing the story was we had a lot of balls. and that s the only reason i am here. you are just here for the balls, aren t you? you guys are impossible. i guess the joke. i get it. i am still not following.
you know at the end of the day, obama is going to show it because he is in this whole verification phase. he needs to authenticate his birth certificate and now the death. i like when i make that disbres that jesture. all right, from photos to bozos. i will say this about bin laden, he had a lot of balls in his compound. according to president ares, the neighborhood kids would kick soccer balls over the wall as kids do and they would never see them again. in fact, someone would come out and give the youngsters money. well it seems obama got his hands on a lot of boys balls. he lived in the pakistan palace for five to six years, and now u.s. officials are look looking into whether pakistan authorities helped him stay in fighting for so lock. so long. it is inconceivable bin laden didn t have a support
float. the old way to doing a burial at sea was to put two cannonballs in the casket or whatever was surrounding the body. they weight it down with two cannot balls which could be 50 or 100 pounds. but if the bodies start to decompose, will overcome any weight and come to the surface. we don t know where he was dumped off. if he was dumped down far enough so the water stays cold all of the time, he won t decompose. he will turn into soap. there you go. something positive. how ironic. speaking of soap, the same thing happened with hitler. when hitler was recovered by the russians, they initially buried him on land, and then they feared he would be a shrine for people. so stalin had him exhumed and cremated and the cremation
i m glad you got through all of them so i don t have to. i can say let s stop talking about bin laden because he is a jerk, balls. maybe the soccer balls had cameras in them. they would seize the balls and burn them with the rub bish and hand the kid $2 and say, go buy another ball. and he is evil. he is a mean old man. that s the . you can never truck people that keep your balls. every kid knew this. on their block there was always a guy on the block who would not return your frisbie or balls. bill, even after the raid they were even after the raid he had a mace. i am outside. the sandlot would be better if osama was in it instead of