safety of our country and its citizens. it s important to note that if someone has a green card or theyare otherwise admitted , this pause is not impact them. the bad news is that the executive order was not well communicated and implemented. that s the cause of the confusion and alot of the false propaganda that s come out recently . it might not be false propaganda but the rule reports about problems with green cards. legal citizens who were barred in the airports. the critics of this ãwe saw the demonstrators ãthey would say that it s overly broadand illegal as a federal judge has already said that .what would you say to someone? he was one of the guys that was detained. a refugee went to the system for the past two years and use an interpreter and this guy ã you see him on the left ã congressman ãhe is a hero. he is the type of refugee that
garden. what a beautiful gift. another fox news alert. a real scare overnight. a drunk passenger arrested in a hijacking scare overseas, and we are now getting this new video. it shows the very moment that the plane landed in bali airport in indonesia. it was a boeing 737 carrying 139 passengers and six crew members on board from australia. the pilot of the virgin flight was forced to signal a hijacking call when a guyç tried to break into the cockpit. officials say he was a drunk guy pounding on the cockpit door. he was taken off the airplane in cuffs. a lot of people tph-r have nervous when that news first broke. a terrifying ride home for middle schoolers in california after their bus driver loses control and crashes into trees. the impact so hard that it split that bus in two. the students and that driver had to be cut out of that bus and they are now in critical condition.
and they matter most to us. if you re caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. quick headlines now. he was supposed to be a watchdog but he ended up being more like a lap dog. a senate probe showing ex-department of homeland security probe altered,ç delayed at the request of senior officials he considered friends. he has now been placed on leave. no kidding. where s all the money going? oregon set to use the federal marketplace, this after spending $248 million from a $305 million federal grant to create the site. state officials will decide what to do with the extra money and that doesn t involve giving it back. maryland had a similar situation.
where he is on a lot of issues that are evolving. we are conservatives? do you think conservatives are smarter than the average person? and why are all the polls the last week or so saying trump? all of a sudden, out of nowhere, we re going to continue to document that tonight, but if conservatives are smart, why can t they see what you see? or aren t they smart? aren t they smart? i don t know that it s a matter of smart. why are they saying they like this guy if you say he s something of a charlatan, something of a switcher, a guy ç who s flip-flopped. if that s the case, why don t they see that? they know he s been a big-city guy, a part of the culture of the east in the united states. they never saw him as one of their own. now all of a sudden, they re embracing him. aren t they smart enough to see this? seriously. if you re talking about the recent polls, polling right now is a function of name, i.d. and popularity. donald trump is a huge personality, there s no question.
negotiate my contracts in the future. let s have an update before we go to willie. alex, anything from the new york times to explain where they scrubbed you need to let that go. i don t think people are as interested as you are if cht. mark halperin, seriously, who does this? i m dead serious, who does this? you can t even get bloggers to change. who does this? if they come back and say there s a technical problem, i want to see him repost it. is that the only spin they have? what are they saying. our spokesman says, i ll check and let you know. they re trying to find and id guyç with enough chitos dust or him. let s go to sports. mika pay attention because mr. tumble is at the top. the most anticipated game of the season. watch the shot of the booth. the gentleman on the far end