where he is on a lot of issues that are evolving. >> we are conservatives? do you think conservatives are smarter than the average person? and why are all the polls the last week or so saying trump? all of a sudden, out of nowhere, we're going to continue to document that tonight, but if conservatives are smart, why can't they see what you see? or aren't they smart? aren't they smart? >> i don't know that it's a matter of smart. >> why are they saying they like this guy if you say he's something of a charlatan, something of a switcher, a guy ç who's flip-flopped. if that's the case, why don't they see that? they know he's been a big-city guy, a part of the culture of the east in the united states. they never saw him as one of their own. now all of a sudden, they're embracing him. aren't they smart enough to see this? seriously. >> if you're talking about the recent polls, polling right now is a function of name, i.d. and popularity. donald trump is a huge personality, there's no question. people know his name.