You just recently had a birthday too huh . Harlan yup. Did you grow up in gilbertville . Harlan the first 18 years, i was in gilbertville, and i have not spent any time since then. Is gilbertville where you would consider to be your hometown . Harlan it would be considered my hometown. And how many brothers and sisters did you have growing up . What was your family size and makeup . Harlan two brothers and one sister. Where did you fit in . Harlan i was number three. Now tell me, before we started recording, we were talking a bit about your family and growing up during the depression years. Could you tell me a little bit about that about what life was , like for you coming up during that time . Harlan my father was an irishamerican. He emigrated from ireland to the United States to find a better place to live. And he and his family came over here, and i looked at their papers, and found out they had 600 to the whole family when they emigrated to the United States. My father spent most